CBMFreak Posted July 11, 2012 Share Posted July 11, 2012 Hi.. i have problems with 2 thing mainly in my mod... text input when using a spell and constrolling collision... First... using obse text input from a spell... scriptName PHRenameActorint buttonint statestring_var userTextstring_var msgUser ;begin OnEquipbegin ScriptEffectStart if (IsTextInputInUse == 0) OpenTextInput "Type stuff (max 20 chars) | Finished" 0 20 set state to 1 endifend begin menuMode if (state) set button to GetButtonPressed if (button == 0) ; user has finished set userText to GetInputText CloseTextInput set state to 0 let msgUser := "You typed, " + userText + "!!!" MessageBox $msgUser SetActorFullName userText else UpdateTextInput endif endifend This spell script should let me type a name for an actor.. show a message box with the name and finally name the actor that is selected... but it seems that the menuMode code is never executed? Second.. Collision... Is it possible to create a mount that has no collision... ie. making a ghost horse that can ride through walls and solid objects? Is it possible to create a spell that makes the player a ghost and then disables collision for the player while the spell lasts? I *kinda* succeded in the ghost effect by using google... It disappears rather fast though... scn PHGhostEffectScript float timer begin ScriptEffectStart player.saa 0.01 pms ghosteffect set timer to 1 ;Increment timer ;set timer to timer + GetSecondsPassedend begin ScriptEffectUpdate set timer to timer + GetSecondsPassedend begin ScriptEffectFinish if ( timer > 159 ) ;effect ends (need to restore body to normal) player.saa 1 sms ghosteffect endifend This script gives the player a ghost effect but it wears off rather quickly despite that the spell duration and script timer are both 160 seconds... ?? Any help would be greatly appriciated... Regards from CBMFreak. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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