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Tutorials for Making Mod Patches?


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Hey guys. I new to making mods and already have a few mods available. I have a lot of people asking me about compatible patches for other mods and I have no idea how to make them. If anyone knows how to make mod patches, I would love to know how to do it. I have had really no luck finding anything on this topic and would like some help. The only thing I have read and know is that you have to have a master and a blank ESP for making the patch. I know you use SSEEdit to ESM-ify the main file your making your mod compatible for. That's about it. I don't know how to find the conflicting records or edits and what to change and that probably varies mod to mod.


Thanks for any info you can give me.




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The problem is, it depends on what needs to be edited for the compatibility patch. This is done in SSEEDIT. When and why you need the CK, i don't know. Maybe QWINN can help with that, as he made a lot of those patches. Try to ask him: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/users/1511152


Otherwise i found some stuff via goole...


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