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Favorate Compaion?


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basically what it says on the topic who is your favourate follower?


mine would be Soina due to looks and great for backup for Horus-Re



Col John Sheppard

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basically what it says on the topic who is your favourate follower?


mine would be Soina due to looks and great for backup for Horus-Re



Col John Sheppard


I like several.This guy is pretty impressive tho.


BTW hows Gandalf look....

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I like Rhianna, since she has a vast array of scripts and AI (Link is at end of message.)


Don't really care for the story behind her and "who she is." Also hate her hair :rolleyes: But none of that makes a difference...if only I still used companions :whistling: I might be able to find a few more...




P.S. Here is link




I found a "Reborn" version, so I haven't tested it, but it looks even better!

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i think i got a picture of Sonia floating around somewhere give me a second




Col John Sheppard

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there ya go, also theres another version, red sonia, not sure which is the better one, but here it is:



Red Sonia has a few really bad bugs in her scripts so does the normal Sonia has some bad bits but still great to have around either fighting or asleep


Col John Sheppard

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