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Favorate Compaion?


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My favourite from the very start and I would not play a game without her is Companion Nesshka the original by Rsdnt-Evle, not the one someone did over..She can go into Oblivion gates has in everyone when I completed the game the first time, never loses anything, you never lose her, she will hold the enemy back while you run for the Sigil stone if things get to hectic, and always came out alive..She is my loyal companion, and does regardles of others comments she is simplplist..and I followed her oen day, she take diffrent routes when you let her have her free time, and is not a robot..I find she does have a personality..also goes through SI, all of it..no problems..


Eh like I also love my Rhianna Redux, my godddess mage companion..Jumonji is some talented modder, and created Rhianna initially from Neeshka..


The new Rhianna Redux combat mod is awesome, she is loyal, but her scripts are so complex, you aslo ,must have OBSE 15, so shey has been updated allot.. but this last version is the most stable, with a few everyday scripts still a bit niggly but not enough not to have her, for her combat behavious is brilliant.la... eh like she cannot yet go into the SI, whereas the first Rhianna could, so theres where me me Neeshka comes in....but in my book she worth it..


I would not play a game without these two each for their reasons, they used to fight till I got the mod Companion rings you give them each one and they will not start a fight with each other..or you..you get 12 rings inthe mod..stops all the infighting..

Here the latest Rhianna Redux



Here is my Neeshka, the picture were she's blond Rsdnt-Evle, first go,the latest version is the one with her with darker hair..she is the stablest companion I have ever played with..



So I could not pick one, for I like not travelling alone.. like both me mage and me mêlée back up, for different missions, I would take Neeshka where I wouldn't think about taking Rhianna for she'll protest and not like it..


Eh like there you have mine la..

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Why? Beautiful + has same fighting style as me, much better looking than Rhianna! (imo)


I cheated on my Bosmer twin sisters with her ;)


how can you cheat on someone with a PC game is that even possible?



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