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Grass Showing In Game


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I just used the coc command which starts a new game and the grass didn't appear in dragonreach or the bannered mare but I will have to play some more to see what happens, My second version of my mod has a few improvements to the first and I set the worldspace settings to no parent worldspace and the only thing thats not default is the skyrim weather Plus I've deleted the grass and I know the grass doesn't float above whiterun with that one but it dose look poor without ground cover.


When I first started a new game with my worldspace I got to level 20 and had lots of armor and stuff stashed on my homeisland but the next time I went there every thing that I had collected was gone plus the teleport markers were no showing anymore in the game don't know if this was a game bug or something els to do with my mod and thats why I decided to start from scratch again and do the mod again.

Edited by leo1954au
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I decided to do a test WorldSpace to see if the grass would show up.


WorldSpace with no parent and default settings




Land Mass with Forest Grass




And is still showed up floating above Whiterun




And low and behold this is what I found under my test land mass




So I can only assume that it's a creation kit bug of some sort.

Edited by leo1954au
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