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Death Mod Idea - Please make a SE edition as well :D


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Guys, did you ever feel like death is meaningless and the death mods which allready been made are kinda meh and not really acturate? I feel the same, sadly I don't have the experience in CK and Skyrim Scripting that I can provide a alternative but at least I can share my idea with maybe someone who have the time and the knowedge to realize the idea into a mod, It would be a blessing to the community I think!


I watched a video where the creator of the video brought up the question "Who Claims the Dragonborns Soul?"

at the end after 30min he explained that the dragonborn basicly don't die, he only is temporary dead and comes back to life because no one has the right to claim his soul.


So I had the idea to create a mod which brings the actor after he dies to a cell (created by the mod author) which has fog in it and darkness, some sort of tricky ways and mazes which has to be solved in order to reach the exit which brings you back to tamriel (aka into your body) this would be in my opinion at least the best death mod possible, it would not only be immersive and lore friendly it also would bring some sort of mini game into death wich prevents you maybe from one or the other too crazy action you might overthink then but also don't mess you too much up so you can still enjoy the game as it is :D


If you wan't to do such a Project please DM me and tell me about it, because if nobody will DM me I maybe do it myself some day if I have time which can or cannot be a huge amount of time between now and then or else idk


The maze map could look kinda like this:




Quest NPCs / Information NPCs



The NPCs are dead dragonborns which didn't found out of this world





btw if you aren't that good in map making then it is also fine if you just use Sovengarde even if it isn't as acurate it would still be damn cool



Thanks for reading this guys!

Edited by IchBinKeinRoboter
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