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Distant landmarks not drawing


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I just started a new playthrough after a reinstalling the game. Now all the distant landmarks like bleakfalls barrow and dragonsreach (actually the whole whiterun was not visible until i got close to it). When near them they appear, but when i move away from they disappear again. My graphics settings are the same as on my other playthroughs. My drivers are updated and i have the same hardware as before this problem. I have a bunch of mods installed, but only one that affects graphics ( http://www.fileplanet.com/223433/220000/fileinfo/Elder-Scrolls-V:-Skyrim---Skyrim-Better-Performance-Mod-v1.1a ). I have tried launching the game without this mod, verified game cache, reinstalling, changing the draw distance and tweaking other graphics in CCC, but to no avail.


Now i am no techie and so i got no idea what is wrong. Any and all help would be appreciated.



heres a screenshot of the problem and a great immersion killer... the floating lights


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I have the same problem about January/February. ..

I think that caused some bad/wrong settings in skyrimprefs.ini (C:users\Documents/my games/skyrim/skyrimprefs.ini i think)


One option is to remove skyrimprefs and click skyrimlauncher to create new one.

Second option is to download this! http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/814

And I know you said you are no technerd, but give it a try, there is also option called "previev" where you can see what it actually do , and I recommend you Models/World and edit Draw Distance to 4096 or something like that, that is all that come to mind right now :)


Hope you understand I am czech naturally so My english is Fu**ked :D Wish you luck :)




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