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SUCCESS GUARANTEED athletics/ acrobatics mod idea


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In the past, I used the mod Pounce n Dash to cumulatively boost speed/ jump height at cost of stamina, modified for immersive rates. The result was mind blowing, my jump height / top speed gradually grew along my stamina investment, and combat felt less dull and more flexible since I could controll my acceleration. Immersive, perfectly stable and very light, compared to other script heavy athletics mods. I'm hoping that someone would develop a similar mod with extended functions. If possible for both player and NPC compatibility, and attack speed (stamina cost)+ separate melee damage boost(at cost of HP) function as well. I guarantee, combat would be muuuch more satisfying as you reach high level and pace gets faster. Try Pounce n Dash and modify the rates for immersion, you will see what I mean.

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