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Where water meets land


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The way water looks where it meets land is horrible.. You guys have done so much with this game I have hesitated to even ask as I am very grateful.

The only thing that really bugs me about Skyrim right now though is where water meets land.

You get very low poly and very low res looking distance terrain, where they converge.


I have been scouring for a fix tot his and while many claim they have fixed it, I have not found a mod that actually does..

So please if I may ask, please make a mod to save distance terrain where the water meets land...

I would be and still am eternally grateful..


If one exists forgive me, I really have been looking, I was up til 4am last night looking, spent hours..

Please just point me to it or or the method to fix this.


PS: I wanted to call this topic "where the sidewalk ends" But figured no one would get it....lol..

Best to you all and thank you..

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