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New Creature to Skyrim. Attention Modders


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I have been enjoying Skyrim since it first came out and have it on the 360 as well as pc. I found it even more fun after testing the various mods created by you guys out there and well, I wonder If someone could create snakes as creatures!? Is it possible? I mean from enemies, to summoning them and even transforming! I got the Idea after seeing some naruto related idea from the sharingan eyes to the amaterasu power (love it). So orochimaru came to mind lol. and from there snakes. So can someone out there make this happen? Im sure fellow skyrim lovers would agree the snakes would be pretty cool. PLEASE!!!
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small list of missing Skyrim monsters/enemies:

snakes, sea monsters/serpents, cliff racers and killer birds, man-eating plants, clannfears, daedroths, killer insects/bugs, scamps,

winged daedra, centaurs/minotaurs, dragonlings, gargoyles, giant bats, giant scorpions, harpies, imps, hyenas, lamia,

nymphs/seducers, giant boars/bristlebacks, crocodiles/alligators (climate too cold), goblins, real pirates, dreughs, will-o-wisps,

ogres, Shivering Isles creatures, rieklings/grahls, golems, anything with tenacles lol..


off topic: awww, no fireflies/lightning bugs in skyrim..

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@xlcr well it does have those torch bugs at night you see from time to time. However I 4got how skyrim doesn't have goblins I paid no attention to that. I have to rely on other people's mods for a few of those creatures like daedroth, harpies, gargoyles, etc. @daventry so it can be done?! I need to become a modder myself and take a shot at that one although I don't have quite the time to exactly do it.
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ahh that's right, forgot about torchbugs thanks dmartin5, guess i don't see enough of them around.



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