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Weird Glitch at Mission Start


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I am getting this glitch every once in a while, and it is breaking my game. What happens is when I launch a mission and as the drop ship animation is playing I get a box of text of to the middle left of the screen that says message title, limit 140 characters limit and lines of x's. This basically freezes the game at that point, as the game never progresses to the point where Darius gives you the mission details and you take control of your mechs.


It is getting extremely frustrating as I have to close the game with Task Manager and reload the game to get it to work again. But it only happens about every 4th or 5th mission I run and I have no idea what could be causing it.


Anyone else run into something like this, or could give me a hint as to what might be causing it?


Here's a link to an image of what is happening, hope it helps.



Edited by gmg2dave
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