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Can't live interior space


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Recently I get this problem, when I can't live Interior space (inn, city...). It's like, when I try to go outside, the game loads, but nothing happens. I can hear sounds (birds, animals and sometimes people), but screen is black and I can't do nothing else. It's like the game just loads sounds and nothing more. When I get to my Desktop manager, it says that Skyrim stopped responding. The funny thing is, that this doesn't happen always. Sometimes I can get in and out of interior cell normally, but for some reason, lately it started happening a lot of times, that I can't. Evrn reload the saved game doesn't help. What can be wrong? In other ways, my game runs fine, just this exiting problems are getting annoying.

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After starting a new playthrough, and removing some of mods, I found out, that mod "Simply knock" messed my previous gameplay. So it was it's responsibility for all the problems that I had. Now I can play normally, without any CTD's, freezes and so on.

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