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[LE] GlobalVar not setting through Script


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Ok, I'm trying to pick up where TripleSixes left off with his Skyscape mod, but Papyrus is a little beyond me. I'm having trouble setting the global RS_GV_MagicXP through the script. I can manually change it in game via console but I need it to change with each spell cast. I have added to one of his scripts, then wrote one myself in efforts to get it to work. Any help would be appreciated. First script is his, with my adding at the bottom, second script is my own attempt. I'll ///// off the code that I added. I asked T6 himself, but haven't been able to get a hold of him.

Scriptname RS_Spell_AirStrike Extends ActiveMagicEffect
{Script for Air Strike}

MiscObject Property AirRune Auto
MiscObject Property MindRune Auto
Spell Property AirStrike Auto
sound property LevelUpSound auto
globalvariable property RS_GV_MagicXP auto
globalvariable property RS_GV_MagicLVL auto

Event OnSpellCast(Form akSpell)
	;Do Stuff
Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
	If akCaster == game.getplayer()
		Int AirRuneCt = game.Getplayer().GetItemCount(AirRune)
		Int MindRuneCt = game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(MindRune)
		If AirRuneCt < 1 && MindRuneCt < 1
			game.getplayer().UnequipSpell(AirStrike, 0)
			game.getplayer().UnequipSpell(AirStrike, 1)
			Debug.Notification("You do not have the required runes to cast this spell!")
			game.getplayer().RemoveItem(AirRune, 1, True)
			game.getplayer().RemoveItem(MindRune, 1, True)
			;Damage Formula
			Int bd = Utility.RandomInt(1,48);replace this with a real damage formula later
			akTarget.DamageActorValue("Health", bd)
        float mod
	float ASExp = 7.5
	float modmagicxp
	float MagicXP = RS_GV_MagicXP.getvalue()
	Int DamageXP = Utility.RandomInt(1,48) /2
	modmagicxp = ((ASExp) + (DamageXP))
	Debug.Notification("Xp recieved")

Scriptname RS_GlobalMagicXP extends Actor  
{Hopeful magic XP}

actor property player auto

spell property AirStrike auto
sound property LevelUpSound auto

globalvariable property RS_GV_MagicXP auto
globalvariable property RS_GV_MagicLVL auto
globalvariable property RS_GV_MAcounter auto

float mod
float ASExp = 7.5

Event OnSpellCast(Form akSpell)

player = game.getplayer()
float ModMagicXP = 0
float MagicXP = RS_GV_MagicXP.getvalue()

	If (akSpell == AirStrike)
		Int DamageXP = Utility.RandomInt(1,48) /2
		ModMagicXP = ((ASExp) + (DamageXP))


Function CheckForLevelUp()

	Float MaXP = RS_GV_MagicXP.getvalue()
	Float MaLVL = RS_GV_MagicLVL.getvalue()
If MaXP >= 0 && MaXP < 83;1
	ElseIf MaXP >= 83 && MaXP < 174;2
		If MaLVL < 2
			Debug.Notification("Congratulations! you just advanced a Woodcutting level!")
			Debug.Notification("You have now reached level 2!")
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Hmm, want to say it's set as a float.... Let me check into all that real quick like. Thank you for the reply



I also neglected to mention that TripleSixes made the original variables so I've only checked them, but from what I'm getting in the CK it's a float.

Edited by Rizalgar
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Now I could just be inept (which is highly possible) but you are referring to the globals in 'Miscellaneous' right?


Edit -- Addint the int throws a type mismatch on compile, but only there and not






float MagicXP = RS_GV_MagicXP.getvalueint()


I'm at a loss.

Edited by Rizalgar
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This is how I used them in a brew script

Set as shorts in the CK ...



only other thing different is i used

BrewerStage01 Extends ObjectReference <- not Actor


Have no clue if that matters without testing but ya ..

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After really looking at that script I'm not sure just why some things are being called. Would have to test it to be sure really don't have the time.

I do know global are kind of odd to work with when you call them. Looking at a few old scripts I see I called them direct like this ...

I basically used them as switches or mode indicators in the version of a number ... gl
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I do not believe it is a problem of SetValue() or SetValueInt().

Probably your script changes won't work on existing games (running quest maybe) or your new script is not embedded right to the Airstrike mod.




Scriptname RS_Spell_AirStrike extends ActiveMagicEffect
{Script for Air Strike}
; https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/7266151-globalvar-not-setting-through-script/
; Rizalgar wrote: "I'm having trouble setting the global RS_GV_MagicXP through the script."

  Globalvariable PROPERTY RS_GV_MagicXP  auto
  Globalvariable PROPERTY RS_GV_MagicLVL auto

  MiscObject PROPERTY AirRune  auto
  MiscObject PROPERTY MindRune auto

  Spell PROPERTY AirStrike    auto
  Sound PROPERTY LevelUpSound auto

; - EVENTs -- 2

EVENT OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
IF (akCaster == Game.GetPlayer())
    RETURN    ; - STOP -    effect not casted by the player, remove from target
    myF_Action(akCaster, akTarget)
    akCaster.DispelSpell(AirStrike)        ; this might be the spell of this script effect

EVENT OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
    Debug.Notification("Airstrike effect finished..")

EVENT OnSpellCast(Form akSpell)
; Event received when a spell is cast by this object
    ;Do Stuff

; -- FUNCTIONs -- 3

FUNCTION CheckForLevelUp()
IF (RS_GV_MagicLVL.GetValue() >= 2)
    RETURN    ; - STOP -    already level 2 or higher
    float f = RS_GV_MagicXP.GetValue()
IF (f >= 0.0) && (f < 83.0)            ; 1        0.0 .. 82.999
    Debug.Notification("You have now reached level_1")
    RETURN    ; - STOP -
IF (f < 174)                        ; 2        83.0 .. 173.999
    Debug.Notification("You have reached level_2")

    Utility.Wait(1.5)    ; to give time for reading XP notifications

    LevelUpSound.Play( Game.GetPlayer() )
    Debug.Notification("You just advanced the Woodcutting level!")

Float FUNCTION myF_GetDamage_SetGlobalXP()
    float g = RS_GV_MagicXP.GetValue()                  ;* get the current value of this globalVar
    int   r = Utility.RandomInt(2, 48) / 2              ; DamageXP
    float f = 7.5 + (r as Float)                        ; modmagicxp, ASExp = 7.5
    RS_GV_MagicXP.SetValue(f)                           ; set new value of this globalVar

    Debug.Notification("Xp old is " +g)                 ;*
    Debug.Notification("Xp has been set to " +f)


    RETURN f

FUNCTION myF_Action(Actor player, Actor akTarget)
    bool bOK = (player.GetItemCount(AirRune) > 0)         ; TRUE, if player has at least 1 AirRune in the inventory

    IF (bOK) && (player.GetItemCount(MindRune) > 0)       ; TRUE, if player has at least 1 AirRune and 1 MindRune
        player.RemoveItem(AirRune,  1, TRUE)
        player.RemoveItem(MindRune, 1, TRUE)
        ;=============================================    ; Damage Formula
;;;        float f = Utility.RandomInt(1, 48) as Float    ; replace this with a real damage formula later
        float f = myF_GetDamage_SetGlobalXP()
        akTarget.DamageActorValue("Health", f)
        player.UnequipSpell(AirStrike, 0)                 ; left and right hand
        player.UnequipSpell(AirStrike, 1)
        Debug.Notification("Cannot cast AirStrike, missing of runes!")



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