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Getting a script to run a line only once per activation


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I'm trying to further modify SirMcDufus's Personal Shield Generator Mod http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/8513/?tab=2&navtag=/ajax/modimages/?user=0|:|id=8513 for my own personal tastes. I want the shield raise my DR, instead of absorbing all damage. I'm almost there, I've got the DR working, and it no longer absorbs damage. However, there's one last detail I haven't been able to figure out. Since the mechanic for the shields taking damage is directly linked to my characters health points, I've encountered a bit of a problem. I'm pretty sure I've figured out what I need to do to get it to work the way I want, but I can't figure out how to do that.


If Active >= 1
	Set HBase to Player.GetAV Health
	Set HCurrent to Player.GetAV Health		
	If HCurrent < HBase
		Set Counter to HBase - HCurrent


I need a way to run the line Set HBase to Player.GetAV Health once, every time the shield is activated.


Here's the full Overlord script, as it stands now:


scn ZzShieldOverlordScript

Short Active
Short HBase
Short HCurrent
Short HHeal
Short HReset
Short Counter
Short CounterMax
Short ShieldDisplay
Short ShieldDisplay2
Short Auto
;-Shield Regen-
Float Timer
Short Interval

Begin GameMode

If Player.GetItemCount ZzShieldModule > 0
Set CounterMax to ((Player.GetAV Science / 5) * (Player.GetAV Intelligence))
Set CounterMax to ((Player.GetAV Science / 10) * (Player.GetAV Intelligence))
Set ShieldDisplay to (CounterMax - Counter)
Set ShieldDisplay2 to ((ShieldDisplay / CounterMax) * 100)

If Auto == 1
If Active < 1
	If ShieldDisplay2 >= 20
			Set Active to 1

If Player.GetItemCount ZzShieldModule > 0
	If CounterMax < 20
		Set CounterMax to 20
	If CounterMax < 10
		Set CounterMax to 10

If Active >= 1
	Set HBase to Player.GetPermAV Health
	Set HCurrent to Player.GetAV Health		
	If HCurrent < HBase
		Set Counter to HBase - HCurrent
		If (Counter / CounterMax) <= 0.5
			If Player.GetItemCount ZzShieldModule > 0
				Player.PMS ZzShieldHitShader21
				Player.PMS ZzShieldHitShader11
		Elseif (Counter / CounterMax) <= 0.75
			Player.PMS ZzShieldHitShader12
		Elseif (Counter / CounterMax) <= 1
			Player.PMS ZzShieldHitShader13

	If Counter >= CounterMax
		Set Counter to CounterMax
		Set Active to -1

If Active == -1
	Set Active to -2

If Active == -2


;##############Shield Regenerates Quickly While Resting##############

Begin MenuMode

If IsTimePassing
	Set Counter to Counter - ((Player.GetAV Science / 25) * (Player.GetAV Intelligence))




With the script as it is now, the shield is always damaged when my character isn't at full health, by how much I'm missing

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Nvm that, reread the post and realized I was off. However, if this is still useful to you or anyone.


You can use the FOSE function getGameRestarted. Put it in an If block and run whatever needs to be done inside that If.

if getGameRestarted == 0

Just replace the Return with whatever needs to be done once. Alternatively, put that block as is at the top of a script to make it only run once each time the game is restarted.

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No, no, no. I'm not going to be restarting the game every time I need to raise the shields, that would be a nightmare. That would be like restarting the game every time I need to use a stimpak.


Besides, I was just about to complete an edit asking for this thread to be deleted, since I realized a few minutes after posting it, that what I'm trying to do wouldn't work the way I want it anyway. (Basically, the title of the thread is wrong, I wanted to start a new thread, since I can't change the title)


What I really need is a way for the script to detect that my hp has gone down, and damage the shield accordingly, but not prevent the recharge script from "healing" it at the same time. Currently, my HP and Shield Points are directly linked.

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