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More S.P.E.C.I.A.L Please?


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So I've been wonderingg if someone could make a mod where instead of 5 points to spend in your SPECIAL, you get 15.

why 15? well if I remember corectly there is a perk in the game that will allow you to spend 1 poitn in your SPECIAL per rank.

So basicly this mod would give you 10 extra points rigth of the bat while ofcourse removing or disabling the perk.


sorry if this was already made or requested and thanks for considering or reading.

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wouldn't that overpower your character right from the beginning too?




I thought the whole point of that perk was so that you would 'waste' ten levels on the same perk when you could use that to level up on other perks. I'm sure there are different perks you could use if you didn't have to spend ten levels to gain them. Actually this would come dangerously close to cheating I think.


Nevertheless I would be interested in it.

Edited by kingdark
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Can you really 'cheat' in a single player game like Fallout? Technically you can give your character free stuff, but since it doesn't affect anyone else, who cares, right?


To answer the question, you can load GECK up and go to the 'Edit' menu. Click the 'Find Text' option and then type "ShowSPECIALBookMenuParams" into the find field and hit enter. You should get a single script under the 'Scripts' tab that is the script for the SPECIAL book at the beginning.


Just change the value according to this to get more points. Save the edit in a file and make sure that file loads.

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Maybe I'm doing something wrong but I followed your instructions but it doesn't seem to find anything at all. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong though...
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That's because they used the shorthand version of the function name "ssbmp". You could have also just found the script by typing "special" into the item filter box in the "All" category at the bottom of the list, or into the find text search. Either one would tell eventually get you to the name "CG01SpecialBookSCRIPT" which is the script you want to edit.


For the record, the previous reply was made without looking at the GECK at all, so I suppose I'm allowed to make an error without even looking at what I'm talking about, right? :yes:

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