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[WCIF] Mods for evil character/mage


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What I'm really looking is immersive mods for my female demonic dark evil mage that desires to rule the world, as a queen or Lady of darkness something like that Thats aboyt it xd. What I'm specifcally looking for:


- Quests targeted for evil characters. Do evil things, etc. Or dark atmospheric quests. They don't have necesarilly need to be related to magic. Do evil stuff and maybe become the ruler of something I don't know.


- Castles, temples, realms, player homes etc with a dark/evil theme. (If there is a quest or a backstory behind it better)


- Any other mod that could make her look more evil or empowering.


I've considered to become the High King of Skyrim, but i would prefer a mod where i can rule over skyrim and become an evil queen where i enslave everyone while all the guards are converted to daedras/thralls/skeletons. Lol spomething like would be perfect.




Edited by vmh1029
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