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Mod Aint Working


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I installed it manually instead of using on omm



When you download the mod you get an rar/zip doc and when you extract it, you'll probally get an data folder within it an esp. Meshes and Textures, copy the meshes txtures and Esp. fil into our oblivion/data map and overwrite, lauch oblivion go to datafiles and select the box near your mod, ok and pay it should work if you do it that way, if it doesn't you'll probally need OMOD

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do you have Oblvion Mod Manager you need it to get the mod working right once you do have go onto Oblivion Mod Manager and click on load it should open a program for you to find the lost Paladin OMOD double click on it once you found it it should appear the mod manager then click on active then there you go


( you need to go int oblivion Launcher and tick the box for the Lost Paladins to work)


hopefully that should help you


Col John Sheppard

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nope 100% free


put the installer in your Oblivion Folder (C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion if thats where you keep it) and the rest should go into order


Col John Sheppard

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