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Item Prefix Mod?


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Hi Guys


I am looking for a mod that adds a prefix to items within my inventory so that all items of a similar type are listed together (light guns, armor, energy weapons, ammo, food, drink... etc)


I am really sick of having to scroll through my entire inventory every time I open a new locker type.


I'm fairly sure something like this exists but for some reason I am having a tough time tracking down what I'm looking for.


Does anyone know of a good mod that does this and preferably doesn't conflict too badly with other mods that alter inventory names (like "Bottle that Water")?



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Hi Guys


I am looking for a mod that adds a prefix to items within my inventory so that all items of a similar type are listed together (light guns, armor, energy weapons, ammo, food, drink... etc)


I am really sick of having to scroll through my entire inventory every time I open a new locker type.


I'm fairly sure something like this exists but for some reason I am having a tough time tracking down what I'm looking for.


Does anyone know of a good mod that does this and preferably doesn't conflict too badly with other mods that alter inventory names (like "Bottle that Water")?





Best way would be using Wrye Flash and do it yourself.

Although it doesn't add to fancy things like "H²O" for Water-items (just uses "F" for Food), f.e. it's kinda more compatible that way.

Because all of the mentioned mods "only" add the prefixes to items of the basic game (+ DLCs).

Custom items or renamed items are a big problem then.

Some mod-packs like Project Nevada and FOOK have there own sortings-prefixes but here it's the same thing: They won't apply for items out of these mods.


The only real conclusion would be a script-wise sorting mechanic using the NVSE.

The best "weight-mod" is kinda similiar to that: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/44348



I already asked for something like the Request area and also in the Mass Recalibration-Thread.

No one ever answered :/

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