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Your characters background


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Whenever I make a character from oblivion I always have to think up a background for him/her.


Like my currant character. Caius was the Grand master of the blades in morrowind but upon hearing news of trouble in Cyrodiil he leaves immeadiately. Attempting to get an audience with the emperor instead gets him arrested by a non-understanding legionare.

Sitting in jail Caius didn't know what to do until the unexpected arrival of the emperor and the task of delivering the Amulet of kings changes everyhing.


then I just play the game normally. But I use this background information to decide whether my character is good or evil and what choices he makes.


Whether anyone else does this I don't know but I feel it adds to the idea of a role playing game.

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If you want your ideas for Character Background to have some actual impact upon the game, there's an Alternative Start mod (Alternative Start: Arrive By Ship) that gives some options for this. I've been tinkering with some of the alternate start mods, trying to fuse ideas from several of them together... nothing that is publishable, yet, though.


Alternative Start: Arrive By Ship - by Robert Evrae



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Emmm, again? That's a popular question here, so many topics for it :huh:


i think its for new people on the Nexus who never seen this topic


Col John Sheppard

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Yeah i usually give mine a made up background, gives them some reason for appearing in the land!


For instance after much testing iv finally started my assassin/rogue redguard.


He was an assassin in Hammerfell, but got blinded by a mage on his last job (has the blind eyes from beautiful ppl) So he came to cyrodiil in search of new adventures and to rebuild his skills after hearing the many places there is to loot and see




Not much but like i said at least gives your character a reason for living!

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Someone should have pinned one of them - would spare some time. I believe there were three in the last half-year, before this one.


yeah... shame they haven't perhaps its not important enough for it


Col John Sheppard

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<<WARNING>>: The following Demon's names are REAL. They are Grand Dukes or Greater Demons with many legions under them. DO NOT say their names outloud, not even a couple times, at whisper level. Even if you are a fellow Satanist, I warn you. You have been informed. It is a form of mockery and can conjure up something very pissed for this.


Nathrugul (second name is part of a True Name which is undisclosed).



Grand Warlord with 34 legions under his command. Nathrugul represents pestilence, retribution, dark cleansing and war. Dark cleansing is ridding the material world of the corrupt, twisted, selfish, etc. Humanoid like Demon seen in black plate (Paleriders Bezerker set with TDA's helm, and the Fireglow modified and named "Pestilence"), black and red cloak bearing Satan's Seal. He is only seen dipicted as having glowing, red eyes, and a noxious oder.


Born from the hands of Agares (don't say that name outloud, even if you are a Satanist, as well), known as the "Killer of Man", he has been trained to be a champion and raised in the ways of conjuration, restoration and destruction (evocation) schools. While not being trained to deal out retribution to the sickest of targets, he learned of precious stones, moral and logic and ethics in all branches of it. He also leaned from Foras the virtues of all herbs and precious stones, can make a man witty, eloquent and live very long. Thus, Nathrugul's mercantile abilities, and his moral and ethical standing. Once he was well trained he went out to haunt the targeted sinners. Some in Morrowind, Seeda Neen (did I spell that right? lol), and Skyrim. He was known as a entitiy, and has been seen briefly on the material world, and mortal man came to know him as "Stalker". They were/are not sure quite what he is, and several attempts for man to contact Him through seance failed. Nathrugul being a planewalker, keeps moving. Fast and just, he does His orders without a regret or question.


On earth, the Nine Divines were getting word of Natrugul's presence. Feeling Him to be "evil" or "unholy", Talos decided to release a small platoon of Paladins with the aide of a Holy Preist to find this "Stalker" entitiy. The Holy Priest agreed to be the medium for contacting this new presence and find out what is happening, and why He is here. This lead them to a ruin in the Colovian Highlands, where the owners of Pig and Ale were experiencing paranormal/supernatural experiences. Prisus Tabler (This Inn, and charactars are all made up), the owner and husband of Murron Tabler, lead the platoon up to the upstairs where in the last room, the hauntings had been. The Paladins stayed near the door and instantly felt cold and sick. The medium, Thelmia Stargaze; a Altmer priest, entered the room. Something hit her hard, a strong feeling of hate, and betrayal. Collapsing to one knee, her heart felt weak. She raised her right hand, indicating the nearing Paladin to stop. Her hands lay flat on the floor, leaving a wet, sweat mark upon rising to her feet again. There was a strange, black and brown film on her fingernails. She took a moment to catch her breath as the wave resided. She then looked at her hands, closely, and touching two fingers together. "Strange", she thought to herself.

"I am getting a strong....very strong *breaths heavily* fee..ling..of a angry entity", she whispers to the Paladin leader. As she looked at the officer, her face turned pale, and strained, as though she had aged ten years.

"Maam, are you feeling good enough to continue?"

"Yes, I can. I must contact this spirit." She nodded in approval. The officer gave a single nod, and she crossed the threshold to the room. She began to walk softly, and closed her eyes, opening up her mind to the voices around her. Now she was ready to contact.

"I know of you, and I'm sure there are others. Will the angry and powerful entity speak with me? Talk so that all of us can hear your voice. We just want to know who you are."


"Please, we...."

The door now slammed with swift swing. Thelmia slowly opened her eyes to see the door behind her shut, and the voices of screaming children could be heard. The Paladins tried hard to open the door, with no luck. Trying to sort out the sounds, the cold feeling now engulfing her, and the rattle of the door efforts she yelled.

"Stop!" The Paladins stopped, and the voices lowered. She gazed the room, and noticed the room was darker, and the three crosses that hung on the walls were now upside down, or inverted. She said a quick prayer to Talos for strength, and began to ask again. "Please, we want to speak with you. Who are you? Can you speak so that we can hear you?"

"Paladins. Holy." That is all she heard, same as the men outside, who all looked at each other in bewilderment. Prisus, the officer was getting frustrated and wanted to barge in, but what would he do? He dismissed the thought and concentrated again.

"What kind of being are you? An angry spirit? Can you tell us?" She was nervous about the answer and closed her eyes and feared what she was thinking.

"Demon. Blackguard. You should not be here."

"I feel others with you. I know there are children, who are they?"

"Abused. Hurt and abused victims". Nathrugul's voice was deep and disconnected. However, she still did not feel his connection with the agony of the children. She had no idea why he was here.

"Abused by who? Who hur..." her further talk was silenced with the door slowly opening and crosses back upright.

"Abusers punished. Leave this place. Priest...interfere."

With that, all voices and paranormal activity ceased. She could feel them leaving. For now.


After many targets punished, and many victories, Nathrugul was awarded the esteemed rank of Grand Duke Demon, and the Warlord of Retribution. After the Pig and Ale was cleared, Thelmia continued her path to find this Demon. She now knew he was a Demon of great power, but how to handle it? She questioned her own strengths. She decided she should go see the priest in Bruma.

"What you are fighting is not of your ordinary spirit or entity. You must understand of its' power, and the grasp it held on you." High Priest of Talos, Roland Hunter sat before Thelmia, and now looked at her with quite anticipation. "If you pursue this too long, you could be a target yourself. I don't like saying that with the Nine backing us, however, there are other forces out there. Out there to harm".

"Roland," she sighed, "it said the children were abused. Then followed my question, he said that the abusers were punished. And that's when I was urged to leave, and then all activity ceased! Is he the one who abused the children or is he the punisher of the abusers?"

"Many evil spirits have done things to intimidate the living with various means. I mean..."

"This was no spirit of a mere man! I know what I felt, I know what he said. I know his VOICE! It echos in my head each and every night. His anger felt directed to not me, not the children who died. But another presence, it felt male." Sitting forward with her head in her hands, Roland walked behind her to a table where he poured two glasses of wine. Returning, he offered her a glass as she took it.

"I know someone who maybe able to help you. Since you seem to be serious about this, and I know when you are...keep this between us. You know this borders my faith, but it's all I can think of. I am certainly not strong enough to face a trace of what you described. Here..." handing Thelmia a engraved parchment. "I hope this helps. He is good at what he does and is very knowledgeable."

"Hmm.." she placed it in her robe pocket, on her right side. "Thank you, Roland. At least you don't think I'm losing my mind."

"I'm just glad you are okay, my dear". He stood, and smiled at her. He placed a firm hand on her shoulder and then returned to the library. She took the parchment out of her pocket, and looked it over. "Interesting...I have pasted this home on my walks", she thought to herself. Finishing the wine, placing the paper in her pocket she then left for the streets of Bruma.


To be continued....

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<<WARNING>>: The following Demon's names are REAL. They are Grand Dukes or Greater Demons with many legions under them. DO NOT say their names outloud, not even a couple times, at whisper level. Even if you are a fellow Satanist, I warn you. You have been informed. It is a form of mockery and can conjure up something very pissed for this.


So you use it as part of a video game story for entertainment? I think that would be more of a mockery than just saying a name.

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