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we understand but really your post was quite rude lets just drop it and move on you made a mistake that's alll


Col John Sheppard

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My Silvera (the latest incarnation) is a Traders daughter who was ambushed and sold into slavery managing to make her escape one night with a well placed Silver dagger. She took nothing but a rusty short sword and battered amour. Her natural Grace and affinity to Magic she has just started to learn as she runs as far as she can from her former nightmare life. She is mastering both in order to go back one day to find her family but this time she will enter a Warrior women and will feel no fear (or so she tells herself).


Being a Traders daughter she has a taste for fine things, nice houses many dresses and loverly trinkets. But when you look into her eyes you see the deep pools of emptiness that threatens to overwhelm, will she fill it with love or will darkness and despair finally possess her completely, only time will tell.


That is my back story for my Silvera, as you can see I still haven't decided if she is good or bad or Bad trying to be good or good who just happens to do bad?


I did have to have the lover of fine things as I almost compulsively download nice dresses lol Not the ones that make her look like a tart but the fine lady ones :-)

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Sir Alex Marsh -

A Imperial Legion recruit, Sir Alan took an two apples from a table, and one coin.

He went outside of the guards quarters to start patrolling in the Waterfront.

He was extra vigilant because of all of the rumors of pick-pockets in the front. He walked past the pirates, and took a turn. To the shacks. He saw the beauty that is the wilderness. He reached for his apple which was hanging from a strap along with the one septim. He found nothing there. The two apples and the septim was gone. He drew his sword and noticed a thief behind him, he told the thief to either go to jail or pay his fines. The thief ran away. Sir Alan reached for his bow. He drew an arrow and with precision, he aimed for the head of the thief. He released his shot. Behind him was another thief. With a club, he was smashed over the head with it. The two thieves called a nearby guard to say that this Imperial Legion Recruit was going on a mad rampage. They gave fake evidence. Sir Alan served his time, and fought against the thieving bastards, but his time was up. And the minute he was supposed to be released, a few figures in suits of armor, and the Emperor came over. This was a lucky day.


I usually just RP by pretending I didn't go to jail, but still. Story is good.

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What would kinda be cool since we now got this really rolling, is to have a inter-twined story among our characters...not right away that is. Let a lot more stories come in, then do the whole turn-taking story thread.


How this works: One of us starts out their char. in a location with a purpose doing something. Not too much text, not too little. Then someone else goes, then the next. Only thing is, you can't control anothers' char. or their actions. Like if I say I flung a fireball at you, and said you ran....I have to let you say you ran....just an example.


Might be fun.

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