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Institute quest - Replace Piper with a synth


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Here's an idea for a quest, for players who side with the Institute.

After the Nuclear Family quest is completed, the player can get the first Political Leanings quest from Justin Ayo. When the player gets to Diamond City, he/she gets the report from Mayor McDonough, but also receives an additional request - to replace Piper Wright with a Gen 3 synth duplicate.

The quest is turned into Justin Ayo as usual, but then an additional quest is started. This brings the player to Institute Robotics, where a synth Piper (in a synth uniform with an Institute pistol and ammo) are waiting. There is enough dialogue of Piper's to construct a line from Synth Piper about how it is time to replace Piper with a synth, or something like that.


The player asks Synth Piper to come with him.her, making Synth Piper a temporary companion. The player fast-travels out of the Institute and brings Synth Piper to an empty and secluded location near Diamond City. Synth Piper waits there while the player goes and gets the Real Piper.


The player brings the Real Piper to meet Synth Piper. Reconstructed dialogue between them ensues, and a fight breaks out. The player has to help kill Real Piper or Synth Piper will be killed and Real Piper will turn hostile.


With Real Piper dead, the player must give Synth Piper her clothing and bring her to Diamond City, and then report to Justin Ayo. Justin Ayo will have some dialogue about a successful mission.


If the quest fails (Synth Piper dead) Real Piper will be hostile forever.


If the player has any other companions with them, they will all hate killing Real Piper, except Strong (doesn't care), Ada (doesn't care) and X6-88 (loved that).


After this quest is complete, Synth Piper acts as a replacement for Real Piper, except there is suddenly a new issue of Publick Occurrences which praises the Institute, apologizes to Mayor McDonough, and calls the synth replacement threat a crazy conspiracy theory.


If anyone is interested in making this quest mod, let me know. I may be able to help making some of the dialogue audio.

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