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Recon scope and hostile marking/targeting redone


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What I'm thinking is a mod that changes the detection of hostiles and friendlies on the compass to be similar to Fallout 3/NV, except the markers for hostiles remain visible, even if the hostile hasn't been alerted to you yet.

I'm also thinking that the Recon Scope won't mark them on the compass. Instead it will either highlight them like the 2nd rank of the Scrapper perk, or outline them. Hostiles will be either highlighted red, or, for those with a red HUD, the inverted color of the HUD color. It would not highlight non-hostiles.


If someone can manage the outlining effect, I'm hoping it could look something like this, except less green/blurry, obviously.



I'd also love to see an option for the recon scopes to be able to highlight enemies through walls. I'm fairly (though not entirely) sure it can be done, since there's the perk that lets you shoot enemies through walls in V.A.T.S.

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