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[REQUEST] Changeable Warpaints


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For starters i dont care about credit or mentions or whatever all i want to see is this story reflected in the world of skyrim, so here it goes, it revolves around warpaints, looking many youtubers showcase cool mods i've never seen anyone show what i have in mind and when i searched on the nexus there is none as well, what is the idea? for starters changeable warpaints, they are not tattoos, they are not supposed to be permanent, all i found in the nexus is people making hundreds of warpaints and retextures, but no one enabling you to change warpaints, ¿it would be possible to make a ques that has you the player discovering the benefits of warpaint? (boost your own stats or lower the ones of enmies), nothing crazy but enough that makes you want to complete this quest, i was thinking about an npc that teaches you the different paints of each race, what you gain, the materials needed, etc. So that if i want to visit a jarl you take it out, if you want to obliterate bandits you put it on and head to battle.

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