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Age old Question: HDR + AA for NVIDIA?


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Do you two have HD flat panels ?

Because I can promise that on my CRT the AA definitely cuts the jagged

edges off the swords etc. HDR or Bloom AA smooths the edges.


I am using an Nvidia 8800GT

If like me you have to suffer a CRT (21" trinitron) @ 1280 x 1024 then try this.


1- Hold your sword up to the sky. w/o AA you will see jagged edges. With 2x AA = smooth

This is most pronounced on things like glass swords.

2- People. Look at a group of people. Check out the arms. w/o AA there is a shiny line

on the edge of the arms, and elsewhere, with 2x AA the white line is gone and the edge of

the arm is smooth.

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Yep, I tried this a while back, forcing AA through the Nvidia Forceware, editing the ini (both ranging from 2x-16x AA) and none of it made a bit of difference and I'm only running the game on 1024x768 so it can't be called high resolution to begin with so in my opinion it's safe to say that Oblivion HDR + AA = impossible.



That said, I still refuse to play without HDR :)

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Wow cant believe this is still going.... Well i tried again, thru forceware, thru ini, thru oblivion.


Yes the AA showed in in-game OPTIONS... BUT, it has no effect at all.... my card is capable of rendering 24x AA aswell so... cant be hardware issue.


EVen tho running at 1900x1200 i still get the jaggies on npcs arms etc and a few weapons, but hell i can live with it.



looks like we are stuck with HDR + no AA.... .FOREVERRRRRRRRR

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Well guys and gals - Just call me MR. lucky because I get positive results.


O.K. - 1st here's my specs. Opteron dual core 180/ 2 gig RAM / Nvidia 8800GT/ 21" trinitron,

and my Nvidia drivers are up to date, but I reckon any issued within the last year will do.

I guess this is a mid spec machine currently.


I don't believe AA is of any value on a high res HD monitor. I mean how good a picture can

you expect ? But for 1280 and below res I am not imagining a positive result with AA.


I have tested both 1600x1200 and 1280x1024 since my last post.

Before I go on don't be trying to enable AA in every possible venue. Leave the ini alone, and

obviously the settings in game don't work with HDR enabled. (probably why the ini don't work)


Here is what I found on my system.

As I said previously. With no AA on hold a sword to the light and move untill you see jags.

Enable AAx4 (AAx2 will help also) in nvidia control panel and do it again.

If you don't have a smooth edge then I don't know why.

@ 1600 things are smooth enough already, but there are some small jags that can be made

straight with as little as 2xAA, but @ 1600 it's a bit of a nit pick.

@ 1280 jags are more noticeable and I have found I can get the same smooth line with AAx4

as I have with AAx2 on a 1600 res.

This is all most noticable on swords etc. but I found that with HDR on, people, especially in

"glowy" locations like the IC market place are less "electric" on bare arms with AA on.


I had initially been using only 2xAA because I was concerned about the performance hit, but

I have found - possibly because of improved processor performance (I have only recently

upgraded to the Opteron from a Athlon64 -3200) - that the frame rates change very little

on my system with AA @4. No need to try higher as the lines are already clean.


The same is true with 2xAA @1600 except at those places where there seems to be some

loading. Here my frames come down to as little as 5 @ 1600, but I seem to scrape by on

a drop to about 10 @ 1280. For this reason I have settled on 1280x1024.

My frame rates are generally all over the place, but average out betwee 35-45.


About these "loading" spots, One in at the fork in the road leading to Kavach, and coming from

Anvil. Another is at the fork in the road and just under the tree on the left heading toward

Weye and Imp. City from the north. There are many more, but these two are easy to describe.

Also, I have found that some of these spots seem to be direction specific. Maybe there is a

cell overlap or something.


If people continue to insist that I am incorrect I may just have to post some screens, (If that's

possible) but first let me repeat. AA is only truly effective at 1280 and below. Also it isn't a

huge earth shattering difference, but I like my swords to have a straight edge.

the main point of this this thread is that it is possible to run AA and HDR

and "by the nines" it is....


EDIT : BTW - CARA - Download and install FRAPS. It will work better than the in game SS.


EDIT AGAIN; Sorry Coop - I just noticed. Jags @ 1900 ? Give the AA another go....NOT with the

in game options.

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