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Play as Alduin


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You know what Skyrim really needs? A mod to let you play as Alduin.


I don't literally mean as Alduin himself, but to take his place. You'd start off somewhere else entirely and customize your character as normal, its a common trope for Dragons to have a humanoid form.

Then, you go off to do Alduin stuff. Creative liberties would be taken to the extreme here. Instead of Dragon Souls you'd get Human Souls for every human you devour.

The mod would include that dragons mod that lets you turn into a dragon and even fly.

One of the first "Main Quest" missions as the Alduin-replacement would be to attack Helgen for a reason devised by the modder unless Bethesda ever explained it. Inadvertently or not, you free the Dovahkiin, a custom NPC made by the modder (Perhaps immortalizing your own Dovahkiin character? Whoever mods this.).


You need to go around at certain times of the day/week in order to resurrect other dragons from those burial grounds. Occasionally there could be a quest to go hunt down another dragon to put them back in their place when they try to get out of line.


Then in the end you get your arse kicked by the Dovahkiin on the Throat of the World, and go back to Sovngarde to eat souls and such, then the Dovahkiin follows you and you fight once more against the three others as well. Only this time you win. The world is yours.

But the silly mortals thought you wanted to end the world. How redundant, there would be nothing left to rule over now would there? The mod should give you a leadership position and replace the Jarls with NPCs that also turn into dragons, or are dragons themselves in dragon form, who now serve as Governors over the individual Holds as an instrument of your will.

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Thing is, Alduin is supposed to end the world, nothing said he had to do so yet.


Don't see much in the way of playability though, other than the dragon form and experiencing quests from Alduin's perspective, there's not much to do.


Practically all he does during the game is attack Helgen, resurrect the rest of the dragons, get beaten up at the Throat then get sent back to papa Akatosh from Sovngarde.

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Thing is, Alduin is supposed to end the world, nothing said he had to do so yet.


Don't see much in the way of playability though, other than the dragon form and experiencing quests from Alduin's perspective, there's not much to do.


Practically all he does during the game is attack Helgen, resurrect the rest of the dragons, get beaten up at the Throat then get sent back to papa Akatosh from Sovngarde.


No, that's just all we see he does from the perspective of Dovahkiin.


The modder who does this would have all sorts of liberties to take in creating Alduin's own background and "Main Quest" line for an Alduin player.

Meanwhile when your Alduin is done resurrecting dragons and other questy alduin stuff, just take on a human form and have fun doing the many other quests in Skyrim. Remember your an Alduin replacement. As such, have as much fun as you want and don't worry about WWAD, What Would Alduin Do.

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