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Edit stats in same plug-in file - help


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I'm not sure if this discussion has been posted before, but I haven't been able to find it, and there are too many posts to go through them all. I'm having trouble editing weapon and armour stats in the same plug-in file. Every time I think I've edited it and saved it, the stats don't change in game.

The armour and weapons I'm trying to edit are from the Apachii Goddess Store (Spelling) mod.


What I've tried so far:

- Setting the .esp file as the active file and editing and saving over the original file

- Using Wyre Bash to create an .esm from the .esp and overwriting from the .esm (Not sure if I'm doing it right though)


I'm still relatively new to TESConstruction so I'm trying to figure things out. I modded another plugin before, Seraphim Claymore weapon stats but I don't remember how I did it.

I've had a bit of experience with Wyrse Bash, OMOD and CS, but not that much, although I can probably learn quickly if told what to do.


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