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Game Crashing/Freezing


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I've downloaded around 12 mods. Some hardly taking up any space and are only really changing NPC/player textures, some weapons, some new armors, enhanced blood, and that's really about it. Nothing that has anything to do with the environment except adding maybe a building (like the BS tower and levelers tower).



About 2 months ago I was able to run the game fine, had no problems at all except for the typical bug quest in Vanilla Skyrim.


Now, my game crashes to desktop constantly when I try to enter areas. Such as the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary in Falkreath. I completed the storyline, and when I try to enter the Sanctuary the game crashes to desktop EVERYTIME. I've tried to restart my computer, I've tried removing mods, but nothing happens. This is just one example, there are many others.


It also happens when I try to enter a certain area in the open world. whenever I go to the East of Whiterun my game freezes. Whenever I try to go to the Tundra area northwest of Riften the game crashes to the desktop.


Not only that, but sometimes when I enter an area, be it a building, dungeon, or room (where the game has the loading screen), there is nothing there but light blue area that if I stepped into it, I would just fall into oblivion and keep teleporting back up. Somethings that do load in the room also fall into this random abyss.


It's coming to the point where I can't do certain questlines, or can't complete some vital quests, simply because my game freezes or crashes constantly.


I tried looking online, but most of what I found was just people not being able to access their data files - which I can, or things dating back to late last year where people would crash when trying to start up the game.


I tried lots. I tried lowering my settings to the lowest possible. I tried removing all the mods. I tried removing just a handful of mods, but nothing works.


The only thing I wonder is if it's just that my save could be corrupted, because I only play one character. I keep hearing people talk about a "Clean Save" but I have no idea what that is.


Also, when I access my data files, only about 4 say "Subscribed?" and have the Yes option. The others don't have anything at all. Is this something that could be a problem as well?


Any help is greatly appreciated.

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