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Non-Lethal Skyrim


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It's obvious the developers wanted you to be evil from the start.


With the Stormcloaks, Skyrim is for the Nords.

With the Empire, Skyrim is for the High Elves.

With the Dark Brotherhood, everyone dies.

With the Thieves Guild, everyone steals.

And with the Daedra, everyone's a follower.




So, aside from quest content, there are plenty of things built in the mechanics that turn you into a killing machine I want to address.


a) I want to be able to beat my enemies into surrendering rather than murdering them outright. I should have the option to spare a Bandit/Soldier's life when they surrender. There should be a system in place that earns the player bonus points (mercy points?) for doing so.


b) Restoration spells like Curse -- transforming beasts or monsters (and maybe humaniods) into undead -- making them vulnerable healing spells. Exorcise to release the souls of the undead and anything trapped in Soul Gems (possibly gaining Mercy points.) An added balance would be to make certain Undead essential so we'd need to exorcise them in order to defeat them (like Red Skeletons from Castlevania.)


c) Tranquilizing arrows to put to sleep routed enemies ensuring they don't rise up and attack you again or Illusion spells that do just that.


d) Merciful questing options: it has come to my attention that potentially innocent people are harmed during the quests. While some circumstances may be impossible to avoid (the final mark for example) there are various examples of people you should be able to spare. For example, what if I agree with the principles of the Dark Brotherhood as a Chaotic Good Knight but dislike that I'm bound to always murder? Why isn't there an option to spare people that may or may not be innocent, telling them the Dark Brotherhood wants them dead, and telling them to hide. There will always be baddies to slay, why harm the innocents too?


Here are a list of potential ways Mercy points could be applied:

* Mercy empowers certain Dragon Shouts (Custom ones like AoE Exorcise or Curse).

* Mercy empowers pious weaponry and equipment (Ex: Dawnbreaker).

* Mercy empowers Restoration spells (Ex: Stronger healing, Wards, ect.)


These are just some ideas I'm throwing out there.

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