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Items gone after Loading


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Hey Nexus members,

I've just downloaded and started using the Mod Manager for Skyrim. As of yet, I've had a fantastic time with it, but I'm encountering a terrible problem. I have set up my mods in both the manager and regular Steam, and I've made sure there are no repeats/conflicts, and so far Skyrim's been even better than before. However, when I load a save from recently--a new character, even--the modded-in items on my character are gone. For example, I have Isilmeriel's LOTR weapons, and the Bandolier mods installed. I made items from these mods, and had them on my character. When I went to reload a save after dying, all my modded-in weapons were gone! I've restarted by computer, etc. etc. yet my weapons always disappear after a load; I can still make the weapons in-game and use them, but after I load a save, the weapons are gone.


If it's of any use to anyone, whenever I equip the Elven Longbow from LOTR weapons mod, the game also crashes (just in case this also happened to you).




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