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wearable furs and pelts (werewolf helmet)


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hello skyrim nexus !


I have yet another idea for a small mod that takes skill. Have you made the trek around skyrim ad always wondered why the only wearable animal hide is the storm cloaks officer helmet? My proposal is to have a mod that makes craft able animal hide: head helmets(like the bear one), cloaks(I know about the mod "winter is coming"),gloves, hoods, scarfs, and gauntlets all in one package. The idea doesn't stop there though! These hoods, helmets, cloaks... ect. could be diffent depending on the hide and animal you used to make it. For example my personal fav: werewolf pelt+ leather strips = helmet that looks like half a werewolf head is on top of your head! Maybe even: gold ingot+ werewolf pelt+ leather strips = gold beaded(like 2 beads) werewolf helmet or, wolf pelt + leather strips + Hide Bracers + wolf claws = fur wolf clawed bracer( maybe even a weapon like knuckle dusters with claws?). sabre cat pelt + leather strips = golden fur flowing cloak. The possibility are endless!


good luck to who ever would like to take this endeavor on and if i could have the smallest mention of my name in the description for the idea it would be greatly appreciated. (:

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  • 11 months later...

Seriously, i know this is odl by WHY hasn't anyone done this yet? I would LOVE my hunter character to be able to wear the FURS of her kills. To wear a wolf's head on her own like the Stormcloak's do bears. Or a sabercat! Or a DRAGON! Please, please, PLEASE someone make this. I have never made a mod myself and don't know how, or I would try this!

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  • 3 years later...

We need wearable werewolf claws with the claw attack animations from the Khajiit, I already have eyes matching my werewolf form in the game. Also my in-game hair is the same color as my werewolf form. I need a little werewolf taste in my human form.

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