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My plugin causes a persistent crash


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The area this occurs is around the park near California Sunset Drive-In and the short passage to Canyon Wreckage. Using New Vegas Bounties, it's near Randall's hut. Whenever I move towards the area, I get a CTD. Whenever I try to examine the worldspace in the GECK, it crashes. I can't find, for the life of me, what's causing this to happen, especially considering I changed nothing in that area . Could some please help me or point me in the right direction? Because I'm absolutely not redoing my patch from scratch. Under any circumstances. Edited by GimmeBackMyMoney
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Whenever I move towards the area, I get a CTD. Whenever I try to examine the worldspace in the GECK, it crashes. I can't find, for the life of me, what's causing this to happen, especially considering I changed nothing in that area .


Then it is something else you changed that is used by that area.

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Try loading the plugin with fnvedit


I usally try a binary search when this happens...

What you do, is:


1: delete half the records in the mod with fnvedit and try FONV again,

2: if FONV crashes, Go back to 1, else 3

3: Restore backup of mod

4: Delete half of the records in the mod, except I will delete the half I did not delete the first time.

5: Test to make sure FONV crashes (else you may of deleted the wrong records)

6: Go back to 1


Eventualy, you will be left with just 1 record. And since its a binary search, You only need to do this N times, where N is Number of records = 2^n


Ie: if you have 1024 records, you have to do the above 10 times.

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Solved the issue. It was with the dead NCR soldier in the coyote den. I just deleted the record in my plugin and now it works a treat! Thanks for the heads up guys, I really appreciate it.
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