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Idle Animation Replacers don't work anymore in SE?


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Did something change in Skyrim that made it so follower idle animations can't be modified anymore?


I've got FNIS, and I've tried all of the following mods, plus I even went into the Creation Kit and toggled male to female animations on a few NPCs, but they all continue to do the default male idle stand.








I made sure to run FNIS, used the arm fix and gender specific animations. For the record, the above mods used to work fine for me.


Any ideas?

Edited by Warlocc
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It works like in Oldrim. But if you only talk about female NPCs that have male animation then there is the same Skyrim "feature" as well: it doesn't help when you toggle the "use male animation" option in the CK AFTER you have met the NPC in-game. At this moment the male setting is burnt into your save.

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