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Archive Invalidation newbie question


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Whenever I select BSA Redirection in OBMM, I just get an instant pop-up window saying "done". It doesn't seem like any files have been updated. I tried BSA Alteration, and that updates files and informs me of the total files changed. But I read on the Wiki that Redirection is to be preferred to Alteration as the latter has certain issues. So is BSA Alteration safe?
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i'm not sure exactly what BSA alteration does but


Archive Invalidation is text file. It's a "list" per say, of files to use. Since it's just text, it doesn't take long for it to say "done" and update. Archive Invalidation simply is a text list of what to use and where to find them for the game to read.

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Yeah the BSA Redirection is working, even if it only takes a second. It does say somewhere in the readme this only needs to be done once, so you can just press update, then whatever you mods you add it will automatically "redirect" oblviion to use those textures.
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