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Weird Shadow Ring


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Hey, I don't think I've posted to the forums before, but I couldn't find any solution that had already be posted about.


I loaded up my Skyrim the other night, and there was a weird black ring of shadows around my character. It was only on the ground, and only on the non-road areas. (Specifically snow as I haven't tried going anywhere else so far.) Now, I would assume this was a side affect of my most recent mod (Midas Magic) except I had played the night before with no issues. I completed the quest with the lighthouse near Winterhold (The quest never registered in my journal, which is another weird thing that I chalked up to a one time glitch.) and wandered outside for just a bit then saved for the night. Next day, this bug popped up. Has anyone else experienced this? It doesn't seem to affect the gameplay, just looks bad . . .


EDIT: I also found that it does not remain if I start a new game. Thus, I'm sufficiently perplexed . . .

Edited by 22bebo
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