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Random Containers?


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I want to put some custom armors/weapons in all random containers, but all I can find is some named ones, but very few. Does anybody know where are all of them?


The idea I want to implement with the custom armors is that you can find any armor at any container of the world(except merchant/especial ones), but in the CK I only find like 10-15 under CONTAINERS.

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It sounds like you are in the right place. Examine the lists more closely and look at the hundreds of containers of various types to see where they are used, and which ones would be best for putting your weapons and armor into. For example, TreasBanditChest is used more than 300 times. If you edited it, then you would quickly distribute your items over a large part of the game world.


One thing you might look at is editing vanilla leveled lists instead of vanilla containers. Both approaches cause mod conflicts and have advantages and disadvantages.

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It depends on what other mods are going to be used at the same time. Some overhaul mods edit lots of leveled lists. Some overhaul mods edit the inventories of lots of containers. So you would want to edit the thing that is not being edited by the other mods that you or your downloaders are using.


If you wanted your mod to never conflict with any leveled list overhaul mods, one approach would be to create a custom chest item for your new gear and place one copy of it in each dungeon or location you wanted to. But that is an awful lot of work, and there would be other smaller conflicts, such as object placement clipping issues or levitating object issues and navmeshing problems.


Editing leveled lists or container inventories might not be too bad. In many cases, someone who downloaded your mod could just place it after their overhaul mod and have your loot changes override the ones from the other mod.

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Thats fine, just be aware that if, for example...

You add an item to the levelled list "LItemJewelryRing" and another mod also adds an item to "LItemJewelryRing"

Then the last mod loaded wins and adds it's item, the first mod loses and it's addition(s) are ignored.

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