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Another "My Skyrim is stuttering" thread


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Well, I did what I said I was going to and split the raid up and did a fresh install of Win7, keeping the OS and Steam on separate physical drives. No luck. I tried several different Rapid Storage Technology Enterprise drivers as well. Rebuilt the raid with the largest stripe size I could (128k), but again, no luck. I also eliminated the possibility that it could be my SLI bridge or one of my graphic cards in particular as I tested them each individually.


So basically I don't think this is correctable. It has to be something out of my hands like the graphic card driver or the RSTe driver or just a limitation in the Skyrim engine that's revealing itself in my current configuration of hardware.


Oh well. I appreciate the help wysiwyg. Kudos to you!

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Well, sorry I couldn't find the answer. I think it's just texture memory and that the GPU performance in swapping out textures in memory is where the biggest issue is. Maybe run the texture optimizer again and make sure the >2048 setting is set or (alternatively) try the >1024 setting? That's the only thing I can think of I'm afraid. Good luck! I know how something like this can be maddening.
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