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npc respawn problem


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Well, that is why I have a save in the sewer. This save is clean, with no mods. I saved directly before the grate which allows you to finalize your character. If you save here, you can load your mod freshly and test it that way. There are some things, such as mesh placement, which don't update in the load.
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i deactivated the mod, saved the game, then reactivated it and its working now. :smile:


however, i have several house mods installed the would also have the same problem. is there a way to update the save game's esp/esm list when you edit it in the construction set? when i added new armor and put it in the npc's inventory, the change is automatically reflected in my current save...same goes for creatures. the problem is updating npc status like respawn/essential...btw is there a way to check the npc's stats/class in-game like a console command?



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