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> Need help: Lock / Unlock / Block Script

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Hi all,

Does someone know how you can unlock a door only with a activator ?

but you must still be able to open the door when you activate it after you unlock it with the activator.

(so basically you can only interact with the door if it is in unlocked state)

I can't figure it out. I tried "OnLockStateChanged()" ".BlockActivation()"

and couple more but it does nothing what did i wrong ?

What event or statement i have to put in my script and should i attach it to the door or activator ? :confused:

I would appreciate it if someone can help me out :smile:

Script that is attached to the Activator:

Scriptname DCF_ManuallyUnlockDoor extends ObjectReference

ObjectReference Property xDoor01 Auto

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akAction)
	If (xDoor01.IsLocked())
		Debug.Notification("Unlocked with the Factory Secret Room Key")

Script that is attached to the Door:

Scriptname DCF_AutoCloseDoorScript extends ObjectReference

Event OnOpen(ObjectReference akActionRef)

Event OnTimer(int timerID)
	if timerID == 0

I used this event with the door but does nothing :

Event OnInit()
	If (IsLocked())
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Finally :smile: after long time searching i find a solution . I used the lock type of the door as Inaccessible instead of a key so

is working now and used this " xDoor01.SetLockLevel(254) " in the lock script to be Inaccessible again if it's locked.

Only the player says things like "Broken,cant pick this" but not a big deal this is the closes what i found.


And only one thing left and that is to use the key that was meant for the door with the activator(so without key can't use it).

Ill try to find a solution for that also. In the meantime help and suggestions are always welcome :thumbsup:

Edited by H3S
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I was bored... so I've done this script, it only needs this script to be attached on the activator:

Scriptname DCF_ManuallyUnlockDoor extends ObjectReference

ObjectReference xDoor01
Int OpenDoorTimer = 111

Event OnInit()
	xDoor01 = GetLinkedRef()
		xDoor01.BlockActivation(abBlocked = True, abHideActivateText = True)
		xDoor01.Lock(abLock = True, abAsOwner = False)
		RegisterForRemoteEvent(xDoor01, "OnOpen")
		Debug.Trace("ERROR: The activator has no linked door")

;; events for the door
Event ObjectReference.OnOpen(ObjectReference doorRef, ObjectReference akActionRef)
	If(doorRef == xDoor01 && akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer())
		StartTimer(afInterval = 5.0, aiTimerID = OpenDoorTimer)

Event OnTimer(int aiTimerID)		
	If(aiTimerID == OpenDoorTimer)
		If !(xDoor01.GetOpenState() > 2) ;If NOT(closed(3) or closing(4))
			xDoor01.SetOpen(abOpen = False); Close it
		If(!xDoor01.IsLocked());If NOT locked
			xDoor01.Lock(abLock = True, abAsOwner = False); Lock it
		xDoor01.BlockActivation(abBlocked = True, abHideActivateText = True);Avoid activation and hide activation text.

; events for the activator
Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akAction)
	If(xDoor01);If theres a linked reference
		If(xDoor01.IsLocked());if the reference is locked
			xDoor01.Unlock(abAsOwner = False); Unlock the door
			xDoor01.BlockActivation(abBlocked = False, abHideActivateText = False); enable activation for the door
			Debug.Notification("Unlocked with the Factory Secret Room Key")
			Debug.Notification("Door already unlocked")
		Debug.Notification("ERROR: The activator has no linked door")

You need to link the activator to the door instead of entering the door reference as property, to do so click on the activator, then pres ctrl+space (a crosshair pointer will appear), click on the door and (if the objects in the dialog box are the correct ones and "set linked ref" is selected) click ok. Or you can also link the door to the activator from the activator properties (right click->edit) by setting the door as linked reference in the "linked ref" tab.

Edited by DieFeM
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Finally :smile: after long time searching i find a solution . I used the lock type of the door as Inaccessible instead of a key so

is working now and used this " xDoor01.SetLockLevel(254) " in the lock script to be Inaccessible again if it's locked.

Only the player says things like "Broken,cant pick this" but not a big deal this is the closes what i found.


And only one thing left and that is to use the key that was meant for the door with the activator(so without key can't use it).

Ill try to find a solution for that also. In the meantime help and suggestions are always welcome :thumbsup:


You can use this:

If(Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(xDoor01.GetKey()) >= 1)
	xDoor01.Unlock(abAsOwner = False); Unlock the door
	xDoor01.BlockActivation(abBlocked = False, abHideActivateText = False); enable activation for the door
	Debug.Notification("Unlocked with the Factory Secret Room Key")

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Thanks i don't know where to put the statement for the key cuz it getting to much for me now :confused: sorry not so much experience with scripting?


and BTW sorry i didn't mention it before i thought it is gonna be a easy one line script that i can copy

and use it to the second activator so have total of two activators .

To lock/unlock with the activators you need the key of that door. If the door is unlocked you need to be able to open it with the door only.

Sorry English is not my first language, i hope i explained it better now and is clear what i wanna to achieve.

One Locks the door and one Unlocks the door should i use exact the same script to that ?

If you pleas can tel me what script i should have for both activators (Lock&Unlock) i really would appreciated :smile:


Script to attach Activator 1(Unlock door):


Script i have for Activator 2 (Lock door)

Scriptname DCF_ManuallyLockDoor extends ObjectReference

ObjectReference Property xDoor01 Auto
ObjectReference Property xKeyLock01 Auto

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akAction)
		Int OpenState = xDoor01.GetOpenState()
	If (OpenState == 1 || OpenState == 2)
		Debug.Notification("Can't lock it now")
	ElseIf (OpenState == 3 || OpenState == 4)
		Debug.Notification("Door Is Locked Now")
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Thanks i don't know where to put the statement for the key cuz it getting to much for me now :confused: sorry not so much experience with scripting
Scriptname DCF_ManuallyUnlockDoor extends ObjectReference

ObjectReference xDoor01 ;'This variable is empty until the script is initialized the fist time, so you need a saved game where you never loaded this mod before'
Int OpenDoorTimer = 111 ;'This variable stores a random number to identify the timer I used to automatically close and lock the door after 5 seconds of being open by the player'

Event OnInit() ;'this event is triggered the first time this script is loaded, which occurs when the cell that contains the activator is loaded for the first time'
	xDoor01 = GetLinkedRef() ; 'this function stores in to the variable the ObjectReference of the door linked to this activator'
	If(xDoor01) ;'this is checking that the variable contains an actual ObjectReference, if a None value is stored then the "else" statement is executed.'
		xDoor01.BlockActivation(abBlocked = True, abHideActivateText = True)
		xDoor01.Lock(abLock = True, abAsOwner = False)
		RegisterForRemoteEvent(xDoor01, "OnOpen") ;'Registers for the OnOpen event on the ObjectReference of the linked door which is defined bellow this event.'
		Debug.Trace("ERROR: The activator has no linked door")

;;'events for the door'
Event ObjectReference.OnOpen(ObjectReference doorRef, ObjectReference akActionRef)
	If(doorRef == xDoor01 && akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer())
		StartTimer(afInterval = 5.0, aiTimerID = OpenDoorTimer);'this function starts a 5 seconds timer, what will happen after 5 seconds is described in the OnTimer event bellow this one'

Event OnTimer(int aiTimerID)		
	If(aiTimerID == OpenDoorTimer)
		If !(xDoor01.GetOpenState() > 2) ;'If NOT(closed(3) or closing(4))'
			xDoor01.SetOpen(abOpen = False);'Close it'
		If(!xDoor01.IsLocked());'If NOT locked'
			xDoor01.Lock(abLock = True, abAsOwner = False);'Lock it'
		xDoor01.BlockActivation(abBlocked = True, abHideActivateText = True);'Avoid activation and hide activation text.'

;'events for the activator'
Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akAction)
	If(xDoor01);'If theres a linked reference'
		If(xDoor01.IsLocked());'if the reference is locked'
			If(Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(xDoor01.GetKey()) >= 1) ;'Checks if the player has the key of the linked door in the inventory'
				xDoor01.Unlock(abAsOwner = False);'Unlock the door'
				xDoor01.BlockActivation(abBlocked = False, abHideActivateText = False);'enable activation for the door'
				Debug.Notification("Unlocked with the Factory Secret Room Key")
				Debug.Notification("You need the Factory Secret Room Key to unlock this door")
			Debug.Notification("Door already unlocked")
		Debug.Notification("ERROR: The activator has no linked door")

I've added some comments to the script that might be of help understanding the script. If you have doubts on what something does don't be afraid of asking.

And make sure to load a saved game where you didn't loaded this mod before in order to test it properly.


EDIT: I've quoted the comments with single quotes(') so the highlighting of this site shows the comments as strings, so they are easier to read.

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WoW :ohmy: thanks man really appreciate it, it works but when the timer was on 0 it locked the door it should be stay in unlocked state till i locked it my self again so i tweaked this 2 statements :


If(!xDoor01.IsLocked());'If NOT locked'
xDoor01.Lock(abLock = True, abAsOwner = False);'Lock it'
xDoor01.BlockActivation(abBlocked = True, abHideActivateText = True);'Avoid activation and hide activation text.'


in to this:

		If(!xDoor01.IsLocked());'If NOT locked'
			xDoor01.Lock(abLock =False, abAsOwner = True);'Lock it'
		xDoor01.BlockActivation(abBlocked = False, abHideActivateText = False);'Avoid activation and hide activation text.'

i don't now if this is the correct way to do it but it works now and i wanted to apply this to my other activator to lock the door back again but can't cuz there isn't a opposite of IsLocked() something like IsUnlocked() i can't figure it out :confused:

do i need a hole new script for that or can that be done in the same script and if it's to complicated ill stick on one activator i am already happy that i have something that unlocks.? :smile:

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There's another version which don't close the door automatically, but you can use it for the inside activator as well (you can use it in both activators). There is a property that you must mark the checkbox for the second activator (change the property of the script in the reference, not in the base object):

Scriptname DCF_ManuallyUnlockDoor extends ObjectReference

Bool Property InsideActivator Auto ;'Enable property only for the activator inside of the facility.'
ObjectReference xDoor01 ;'This variable is empty until the script is initialized the fist time, so you need a saved game where you never loaded this mod before'
Int OpenDoorTimer = 111 ;'This variable stores a random number to identify the timer I used to automatically close and lock the door after 5 seconds of being open by the player'

Event OnInit() ;'this event is triggered the first time this script is loaded, which occurs when the cell that contains the activator is loaded for the first time'
	xDoor01 = GetLinkedRef() ; 'this function stores in to the variable the ObjectReference of the door linked to this activator'
	If(xDoor01) ;'this is checking that the variable contains an actual ObjectReference, if a None value is stored then the "else" statement is executed.'
		xDoor01.BlockActivation(abBlocked = True, abHideActivateText = True)
		xDoor01.Lock(abLock = True, abAsOwner = False)
		Debug.Trace("ERROR: The activator has no linked door")

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akAction)
	If(xDoor01);'If theres a linked reference'
		If(xDoor01.IsLocked());'if the reference is locked'
			If(Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(xDoor01.GetKey()) >= 1 || InsideActivator) ;'Checks if the player has the key of the linked door in the inventory OR is already inside of the facility'
				xDoor01.Unlock(abAsOwner = False);'Unlock the door'
				xDoor01.BlockActivation(abBlocked = False, abHideActivateText = False);'enable activation for the door'
				Debug.Notification("Unlocked with the Factory Secret Room Key")
				Debug.Notification("You need the Factory Secret Room Key to unlock this door")
		Else ;'if the reference is unlocked, as oposite to the if statement being true.'
				If !(xDoor01.GetOpenState() > 2) ;'If NOT(closed(3) or closing(4))'
					xDoor01.SetOpen(abOpen = False);'Close it'
				If(!xDoor01.IsLocked());'If NOT locked'
					xDoor01.Lock(abLock = True, abAsOwner = False);'Lock it'
				xDoor01.BlockActivation(abBlocked = True, abHideActivateText = True);'Avoid activation and hide activation text.'
				Debug.Notification("Door already unlocked")
		Debug.Notification("ERROR: The activator has no linked door")
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