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Will performance enhancers help my computer?


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Hi. I've read about quite a few performance enhancers for Skyrim, but most say they help low end computers. So I thought I'd list my specs and see if anyone who knows about this stuff can take a quick scan and let me know if any of them will work, or will I just have to adjust down my graphics from what the game defaulted to. When I first installed Skyrim and the game scanned my system it set the visual settings to HIGH. I now play with between 50-75 mods active. According to FRAPS I get anywhere from the mid teens to the mid twenties for frame rate, with stutters and complete stops/freezes when exiting buildings. In the open country with only a vanilla amount of creatures/actors about things are pretty smooth, but when extra actors or fighting occurs so does drag. Here are the current settings for my computer.


Toshiba Qosmio x505

Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit OS


Intel Core i5 CPU m430 @2.27 gHz

DirectX 11


NVidia GeForce GTS 360M

1024 MB GDDR 5 RAM


Game Settings

16.9 Widescreen

Resolution - 1680 x 945

Antialiasing - 8 Samples

Antisotropic Filtering - 8 Samples

Settings - High


NVidia 3D settings

Ambiant Occlusion - Performance

Antisotropic Filtering - 16x

Antialiasing Gamma Correction - On

Antialiasing Mode - Enhance Application Setting

Antialiasing Setting - 4x

Antialiasing Transparency - Off

CUDA GPU's - All

Maximum Prerendered Frames - 0

Multi-Display - Single Display Performance Mode

Power Management Mode - Prefer Maximum Performance

Texture Filtering - Anisotropic Sample Option - Off

Texture Filtering Negitive LOD Bias - Allow

Texture Filtering Quality - High Quality

Texture Filtering Triliniar Optimization - On

Threaded Optimization - On

Triple Buffering - On

Verticle Sync - Force On


I'd like to thank you ahead of time for taking the time to read this, and also for any help you can offer.

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I suppose you mean 4 GB DDR3 RAM ?

Yes, they would help, but also you might want to turn down Anti Aliasing and Anisotropic Filtering a little. Also you may want to turn Vertical Sync off, and turn it on if you experience tearing, but not until you do. Again, try using those programs, i't wont hurt, and if it doesn't help, just uninstall again.

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Antialiasing - 8 Samples

Antisotropic Filtering - 8 Samples


why do you have those set to 8x when you've got 4x AA and 16x aniso on in the NVCPL


either use one or the other but not both otherwise you end up with trying to do 12AA and 24x aniso so just turn of the AA and Aniso in the skyrim launcher and that should be enough

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