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My Dead Money Mod interfering with GRA

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I cannot load any of the custom ammo from GRA with my Dead Money Mod. I am guessing its got something to do with the fact I used the "JNK" ammo type when I reworked the Junk Rounds Perk. One other odd thing I had noticed is if I do not have any ammo for a gun it defaults to the "JNK" ammo type. My "fix" at this point was just to delete all the stuff that pertains to that Perk and ammo type from my mod. I would like to be able to find a way to get this working without issues though since I rather liked my rework for Junk Rounds.



What I did was add the two missing ammo recipes and added all the "JNK" ammo types to their respective form lists, then tweaked the ingredients and outputs for each ammo. No fancy scripting just slapped it in there...

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Did you directly add the "JNK" ammo types to the ammo formlists in the GECK? If so that's why it conflicts with GRA. They also directly overwrote the ammo formlists, so whoever's mod is last in the load order is the version that will be used.


Assuming that the above was what happened, here are two possible solutions:

1. Require GRA in your mod, and add the "JNK" ammo types to their version of the formlists.

2. Use a start quest like the DLCs use to add to formlists without directly overriding them.

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For extra fun, Please make sure theres a 'normal' bullet as '1st' in your formlists

FNVedit will not let you order formlists, this is VERY important for ammo formlists: you will break weapons badly if you put a non normal ammo as 1st ammo type. Hence use GECK.


(Normal means uses default projectile, Just use whatever is the 'generic' ammo and you should be fine)

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Yeah I did it directly... for now I just took them out of the mod since I am not skilled with scripting or any sort of advanced modding. I am using NVSE for other mods like Readius and the whole Visual Cookbook thing. Guess it will take doing some research to get this going the way I'd like.


I find myself wondering if these troubles are why Obsidian did not include these themselves.

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