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Noobie With NMM - Order Question


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Hi Guys !


Just trying to setup mods with NMM.


Questions is,

Regarding the plugins load order, if i have two mods that both affect the same item, which load order do i put it in?


So lets say i have a basic full pack that includes a mod for water, then download another mod specifically designed just for the water.


Do i load the full pack earlier (lets say load order 2) and THEN the specific water mod (lets say order 3) ??

So as the specific mod is loaded later it will over write the pack mod?


Cheers in advance.


Also i guess the top 100 mods on nexus is a good guide as to what mods to go for? haha


- Mick

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In your hypothetical situation there are 2 possibilities bracketed number represents load order.


Big mod including water (2)

Water only mod (3)

In this situation the water only mod overwrites the water modification of the big mod bu nothing else.




Water only mod (2)

Big mod including water (3)

In this situation big mod is overwriting the water only mod in it's entirity and therefore you might as well not load water only mod at all.

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