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Journey to the centre of the Omniverse, and then take a left.


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This thread's either not gonna take off or die after four posts anyway (and that's a generous estimate). But hey, you might like it!



1. Don't be a dick

2. Seriously, don't be a dick

3. Have fun!


Character profiles in a nutshell (what type of nut is up to you)

Name: The character's name

Sex: This is optional really. Maybe you're genderqueer, androgynous, trans, or physically asexual. I'm cool with it all really.

Special Abilities: Are you really good at juggling? Or can you throw fireballs or eat metal? Or can you twitch your ears?

Skills: Other stuff you're good at, but on a smaller level. Ironing jeans, rigging bombs, rock-paper scissors, you name it.

Clothes: Naked maybe? Full Power Armour? Spandex? Lycra? Whatever you want, as long as it's not god armour or something silly like that.

Vehicle of Choice: Sports Car, biplane, dinghy, tricycle, travel-power, intergalactic star cruiser?? Whatever works for your character and isn't some sort of Godmobile.


Bio: Goes here. Give us a compelling story of your character. Or a poem? Whatever's passable!


The Plot (?)


One day a dude named Jeb decided to enter politics. So he did. But now he's kinda a dick. You see, Jeb Jabbaburger is now the Grand Boss Daddy of the Solar System, and he will stop at nothing until the omniverse is his to command.

It's up to a team of unlikely heroes to stop the new Grand Boss Daddy of the Solar System, or to help him realise his dream of multi-versal control.


Woah wait, what the f*** is this RP really all about????


I dunno, we're just making this s*** up as we go along. See that plot summary up there? Totally off the top of my head. Crazy right?


S..so what am I supposed to do?


Just go wild! That's the thrill of it! As long as you're not some sort of god-tier OP megademon, it's all good. And treat your fellow players with respect. The aim here is FUN.


Writing Style? Is this like your last (failed) RP with the overly complicated script thing?

Writing style is whatever the hell you're comfortable with. Screenplay, limerick, novel or haiku, as long as it's fun to read it's A-Okay!



The setting is totally malleable, we can have Jetbikes and magic wands and transforming mecha toilets all in the same post. The reason is that since this takes place in the Omniverse - ANYTHING GOES. Some universes have a radically different set of physical laws, some have a form of magic, and others still are bland and mundane, or filled with all sorts of horrors.




I'll start with my character, and everyone can follow suit and ask questions and stuff! Wheeee!


Name: Sourpuss Machio

Sex: Dude

Special Abilities: Can breakdown any part of himself into goop, including his whole body, reform and sometimes even multiply into smaller versions of himself, at the cost of winding up naked. Also he can cook up a killer bowl of chicken soup.

Skills: Hand-to-hand combat, using his gooey powers in combat to mix things up a little. He also has a fondness for chilli, and thus, even the hottest chili sauce does not faze him!

Clothes: Unless he's broken himself down or split up, he usually wears a torn up white shirt, bulky cargo pants and a shoulder belt containing a hunting knife, wet wipes and a portable TV in case he's bored.

Vehicle of Choice: He uses his gooey powers to turn his bare feet into slime, helping him glide across any surface at amazing speed.


Bio: Sourpuss was just a regular boy living in a boring ass world until the Grand Boss Daddy of the Solar System invaded his universe. Taken away and experimented on with a mixture of potions, science and forced reruns of Who's the Boss?, Sourpuss developed the power to break down into goop. Escpaing through the urinal, Sourpuss has devoted his life to stopping the evil Jeb Jabbaburger, wandering the omniverse looking for a movement strong enough to take down the Grand Boss Daddy, and stick his swollen hubris right up his ass.



What are you waiting for? Get cracking on some magic!

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