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steam too 3 hours to install the hight res texture mods


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My PC just spent over three hours downloading the Skyrim: High Resolution Texture Pack (Free DLC) from my steam program, I don't wont to have to go through this again, so can these be backedup on my USB external hard drive for re-install for later?


thread should of read steam took 3 hours to install the high resolution texture mods




Edited by sinnerman69
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Yes, you can even do a full Skyrim base+ all DLC (including HD texture pack) with steam and it can break up the install into the size you want IE dvdr size CD size etc, by right clicking Skyrim in the Steam Library and pressing backup.
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I've got them backed up on an external USB hard drive and never had an issue just copying and pasting them back into the Skyrim folders when I did a reinstall of Skyrim after the 1.6 update.
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That High Resolution Texture Pack is 3.05 gb in size when installed, no wonder steam took so long to download it!.. :blink:


I think those four files I pointed to in my first post is the whole free high High Resolution Texture Pack DLC ?


the XCE - Xenius Character Enhancement depends on the High Resolution Texture Packs

Edited by sinnerman69
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