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Dragons level up as you level up


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Please make a Mod where Dragons level up as you level up.


For example: im at Level 5 and the Dragon should be Level 7, when i go Level 6, the Dragon should be Level 9.


Now i know there are Mods that make Dragons 10 times tougher with special abilities, but in Vanilla Skyrim without those Mods, im at Level 60 where the Dragons get killed with 5 swings of my Sword or a Bear does the job.


So basically the point Mod im asking for is to keep the Vanilla Dragons as they are with no special abilities, but just have their Level of Difficulty going up as i level up.

Edited by daventry
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You requested this mod for tesprogrammer right? I received a private message in my email

I'll see what I can do about it, if a mod could solve it. And check my mod Sovngarde - operation comeback

Edited by tesprogrammer
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Thanks, cool mod by the way :D


a mod can fix it, take a look at


Buy-able Firewood


the same piece of code used here to make the amount of fire wood sold as you go up in level can be changed a little and the script could be added to dragons making there health and damage go up as you level up, and as such, the gold reward and scales/bones you get will increase. il speak yo my man sam and see if he cant edit it for you

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