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Sea od Destiny & TR problem


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Hello again,


At the beginning of my gameplay I was aware of Tamriel Rebuilt initiative, but I failed installing it properly and finally resigned due to multiple crashes, proceeding without it, playing other mods instead. Months have passed and I've found another landmass mod called Sea of Destiny, which is a masterfile. I have it installed for some time but still didn't visit the new land, saving it for the future. Because it is located southwest to Sedya Neen, it's incompatible with TR.


Today I've pulled myself to try with TR again, but there was a problem what to do with already implemented SoD. But - I discovered a patch of an .esp file -> http://mw.modhistory.com/download-98-14242 which moves Sea of Destiny cells so far to make it friendly with TR.


However this is still not a good time to celebrate success - after installing it, the landmass hadn't moved at all, they remain in the same place, making for me impossible to implement TR, and it's lack is the biggest loss for every Morrowind fan, it's like being locked in the basement while being in Dubai. I can't find the proper solution. Is there a way for the patch to work so it could move the landmass already gamesaved? I can even erase the whole mod if needed, because i didn't make any progress there, thankfully.

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