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quest coding help.


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First off hello, thanks for reading... I could use some help on how to do something for a custom quest-line I'm trying to build.



I'm trying to script that the original NPC Quest giver dies and so that the PC has to talk to the NPC's daughter to finish the quest... and after finishing the quest allow for her to be a companion/follower.



Pretty much what I have is that the player gets a request to kill a couple bandits and after that the player is trying to go finish the quest to talk to the original quest giver but that person is now dead due to poison/old age (not sure yet) so they have to talk to his daughter. So I've been trying to figure out how to do the following:


Script/code the quest to kill the bandit


Script/code the original npc's death immediately after the bandit is killed.


How to make it so that the daughter wont become a follower until after the PC talks to her and informs her of her fathers death and the death of the bandit



Any help on any of this would be great... otherwise the mod i'm working on is rather screwy.

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Here is a script to have stuff happen when you kill a bandit in the official quest tutorial:


Scriptname GSQThiefScript extends ObjectReference

Quest Property TutorialQuest Auto

Event OnDeath(Actor killer)


Source: Tutorial Basis Quest Scripting


For the quest giver dying, it might work best to have two copies of this actor, a dead one and a live one. You would keep one disabled and the other enabled and switch off at the proper time. This way you could place the dead one in some dramatic death position.


The code to do stuff like that is like:




To derail the follower dialog for the daughter, the easiest way would be to have it dependent on a certain quest stage. You would have conditions on the dialog like:

GetStage AAMyQuest >= 80 AND 


You would raise the quest stage in a dialog info result script while talking to the daughter. Sort of like:



Edited by David Brasher
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Where would be the best place to put these specific scripts to ensure what I want is done... Like I found a tutorial video thats got basically what I need to do... it just doesnt state how to set the main quest giver to die with a script to have to force the player to talk to his daughter instead.
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