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After enabling data files skyrim crashes


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When it crashes that early, it's usually because a mod is missing some dependencies.

This is usually a certain master file (.ESM file).

If You check the plugins in NMM or with the launcher itself it usually shows wich masters it depends on, by clicking on a certain plugin.




<insert mod>.esm

check all plugins to see if any master files are missing.

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It could also be a mod requires something else - like SKSE or Dragon Script that isn't there - If you have a mod that requires either of these be sure to read the instructions as these are not mods and do not work like mods.


And, if you have installed a bunch of mods all at once - it can be very dificult to find the One mod that is causing a problem. All that time you thought you saved just came back to haunt you.


BOSS can help - sometimes. :thumbsup: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/6

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