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I can figure out how to install mods or overrides using the DAO-Modmanager


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Maybe try moving the storage folders to a location not in the Documents\Bioware\Dragon Age folder...other than that, nothing jumps out at me as being possibly problematic. :confused:

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Two things jumped out at me when I looked at your screenshots:


  1. I don't think DAMM does anything at all with those ".dds" files. Those should not be in that folder. DAMM handles ".override" and ".dazip" mods. Period. (I *think* all those other files belong to mods that should just be dropped in your "\override" folder, but I don't believe I use any of them so I can't positively identify them.)
  2. The one ".override" file that *is* showing up properly for you inside DAMM is "NBaio.override". THAT one you should just drag-n-drop to the middle pane ("Installed Overrides") located in the top-half of the DAMM window above the list of files, (or right-click on it and choose "Install".) THEN right-click on it to configure your in-game choices.


NOTE: I put DAMM and the mods it manages in my "\Douments\BioWare\Dragon Age" folder without any problem. I just don't put them in a folder that the game uses:





Hope that helps. :thumbsup:

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