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Savegame corruption: scripted content grinding to a halt


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My savegame is dying due to leftovers from mods. Thieves won't approach me, I have to ask them to rob me. Catched torchbugs or souls get added to inventory (log message) about 30 seconds later. Mining ore stopped working completely (nothing gets added to inventory, mining animation loops forever). I restored to a savegame remarkably smaller (read: threw away 3 hours of gaming) to resolve the latter two issues, but the first issue is about 40 game hours in the past, which would be frustrating to restore and no guarantee it won't happen again.


Needless to say, I installed and uninstalled many mods using Nexus Mod Manager, Steam Workshop and some manually.


From what I read, mods leave active scripts in savegames and those stack up to a point where the script engine breaks. Unfortunately in very silent ways. I didn't notice the thieves not approaching me until I found a broken script sequence in a mod.


Any solution to this yet?

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  • 4 weeks later...


you need to go into the console and use 'stopquest' to stop the quests controlling the scripts that you no longer need.


unfortunately you need to know the name of the quest the mod authors put in those mods you removed from your skyrim setup

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