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What's Happened to Courier Deliveries?


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This is a thinly veiled plea for help. Since around the 1.6 patch, the courier delivery system seems to have changed its behavior. Let me get specific: Couriers and other Miscellaneous Journal Events do not have any console aid to either trigger them or clean up their orphans. I don't know why it's buried so deep in the game system, but it has been a source of great frustration for many. Recently, with all characters I still play and new ones I've created, the courier who delivers Falk Firebeard's letter to trigger the Wolf Queen Awakened quest has gone missing. I have satisfied all criteria. I have been careful (I think!) to not incorporate any mods that affect the game interactions. All my mods are either standalone armor/weapon mods or body modification mods, with the lone exception of a Water and Terrain mod. I simply can't get the courier event to happen. Falk still has the letter on his person, for all the good that does. The SetStage commands do not work on these Courier Event Triggered quests.


My general questions are (1) can the console be used in any way to unstick these events, (2) can it be used to clean up orphan journal entries? (3) can it be used to correct sequencing, such as accidentally visiting Cragslane Cavern before the Jarl of Riften gives you the Miscellaneous Journal Event to go stop the skooma trade? (if you do, she never offers you Honeyside. You have to get Maven in there to make progress. If Maven is already Jarl, you're stuck for sure.)


The Repairing the Phial courier event happens right on schedule. So does the Dawnstar Museum event. I still get "Letters From A Friend" following a shout in some random location.


Will the experts please weigh in on this? It is offputting to know that any new character I play will never see the inside of Potema's Catacombs :-)


Cheers, Mrod

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Not an expert on this topic, but NPCs do have to travel to get to your character once spawned. So if the couriers are spawned and your characters travel far distances, they can lag behind. I'd say get into a walled town (with doors) and wait up to 31 days to reset all outside cells. Then enter, leave a building. If they still won't show up, heavy bug.
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Here's an update:


I thought korkman's suggestion was a good one, so I hunkered down and slept the entire month of Frostfall :-) I was also careful not to teleport, but only travel on foot or fast travel so the game could keep track of time and location properly. Still no courier :-( Houston I think we have a bug.



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